Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Seniors Learn Differently

We at Simply Seniors Computer Tutor have spent the last ten years learning the BEST teaching methods for older computer users.  Learn more about our services at www.ComputerTutorHelp.us

This article is about how seniors learn differently from younger students.  The original content is located at http://www.associatedcontent.com.  It is very useful to anyone that may offer a service like Simply Seniors Computer Tutor’s or for anyone that wishes to be helpful to an senior new to computers.

Simply Seniors Computer Tutor’s looks forward to seeing you soon!


For several years, I taught basic computer use, from introduction to computers to office skills. I learned a lot doing it - that weapons scanners at the courthouse wipe diskettes clean, and that if you bond too much with rich kids their daddies lean on you to do personal tutoring.

But the most interesting thing I learned was that older people - those born before 1950, primarily - learn technology differently from those of us who have more or less grown up with computers. As an older population, they also have different physical issues; and as a completely different generation, they have very different learning styles.

It requires a different approach to teach our respected elders how to use the technology we take for granted. But if you're a teacher excited about technology, and creative about ways to get others excited about it, older people learn better than younger people.
You heard me right. I prefer my older students to my younger ones. They are smarter, more motivated, and genuinely excited about learning. But it can be a challenge.

Seniors Learning Computers: The Issues
Getting older students to the point where they can learn technology is the first hurdle. Physical, mental, and attitude issues all get in the way.

Physical issues include:
Vision - Not only do older students have poorer vision overall, it's poor in a different way from younger students. You may have to learn how to adjust screens for each individual student - and then teach them how to do it themselves.
Mobility - Most people think of mobility problems as wheelchairs and walkers. That's not a problem; in a comfortable chair, everyone's the same. What is a problem: arthritic hands.
Once you have those problems sorted out, you often find serious learning issues lurking behind them:

Lack of technological background: Your seniors grew up in an age where not every house had a television - and when they did have a television, there were likely one or two channels, four or five hours a day. It was a  radically different world, and you have to understand where they're coming from before you can teach them. Students who learned how to operate older generation mainframe computers are often the hardest to teach, as they have to unlearn things they've known for forty years.

Difference in learning style: Our kids today learn in a group setting that often seems chaotic; our seniors learned much more individually and may value politeness over assertiveness. The most important difference: you have to learn to spot questions without the student asking them. Many seniors, especially women, simply won't ask questions, and get lost instead.

Senility and mental acuity problems: There's nothing you can do about this occasional problem except have patience with it. Older people don't learn as easily as younger people, and even when they do you may have to go back more often. This requires your patience.
Resistance to learning new things: A lot of older people just want to learn one thing on computers, or believe that "old dogs can't learn new tricks." You have to sell them on the fact that they will need to understand more than just one thing, and that they can, indeed, learn new things. This requires mostly respect and patience.

Methodologies in Teaching Computers to Seniors

If you're teaching older people in the US, always use Microsoft products. That's not because Microsoft is better - it's not - but rather because most of what they will get out of the box on a computer or run into at the library will be Microsoft. (Outside the US, visit a library to see what's most commonly used in your locality - Linux and Corel are more common as close as Canada.)

Once your classroom is set up and you have everyone comfortable - and you've familiarized yourself with your students' limitations - desensitize them to computers. The most common problem I run into is a fear of breaking the computer, or just a fear of the computer. Open an old computer box (unplugged, of course!), show them the insides, explain what the processor, memory, etc. do. Take out chips and components, and let the students handle them as you explain what they do. Especially show how the connections in the back work with individual cards. This will go a long way toward taking the mystery out of the computer.

Explain computer safety, and introduce peripherals like the mouse, etc. Encourage them to plug in and unplug their own peripherals so they can see how it works. Watch for any uncertainty, and only move on when everyone seems comfortable.

Then - play games. This enables seniors to work on the mouse, their own mobility and vision, and allows you to teach the very basic components of Windows. Even if you have a senior who's used the internet, etc., require the games. It tells you a variety of things. For example, I had one sweet lady who would move her mouse to the right position, then take her hand off it and click it from above. This did not work well! I had to put my hand over hers to guide her, and then she got it.

Other students may obviously at this point have mobility issues. Consider using trackballs for these students, and if the mobility issue is severe look at ergonomic options like special keyboards or even chord keyboards.

After this task is completed, teach basic windows tools, generic keyboard shortcuts (especially CTRL-Z, Undo) and other generic Windows things. Use slideshows and handouts to help them remember. Move from there into specific programs like word, excel, etc., and into specific tasks like downloading pictures from digital cameras.

One last tip for this section: at the end of every class every day, teach your students something useful you think their children and grandchildren don't know. It can be as simple as the CTRL-Z, or as complex as where to find a particularly useful website. This will keep your students eager to return to the next class, and allow them to impress their younger relatives.

Teaching Techniques For Seniors
Throughout your courses, you should encourage your students to direct their own learning. Older people often lack patience, whether they say so or not, and they want their time to be THEIR time. Keep classes small, and let them tell you what they want.

At the same time, teach slowly and patiently, emphasizing hands-on. My rule is to show them how once, and then guide them through doing it themselves thereafter. Because the slow, patient approach is a must, it's a good idea to match students with a pre-test to their skill level. With younger students, I often encourage quicker students to help the slower students next to them; this has less-predictable effects when you're working with an older population.

Most importantly, watch for those mobility and other ergonomic issues. Donut cushions may be necessary, or back support cushions. Learn everything you can about ergonomic keyboards, antiglare screens, improved contrast screens, and the Microsoft accessibility tools. Larger screens may be necessary for some students, at least when they take their skills home with them. As a last resort, talking programs for either input or output may be a necessity.

Chord keyboards are something a little different. These resemble game controllers, and have up to six keys. These keys, pressed alone or in combination, can duplicate the normal keyboard. They're harder to learn, but if you have a student with severe arthritis, this frees up one hand and requires much less movement of the arm in order to get the same results. A person who is sincere about teaching technology to older people would be wise to purchase one and learn how to use it.

As you can see, the problems presented when teaching technology to seniors can be mild to extreme. However, this sort of teaching is also lucrative. There are few computer schools or tutor programs that focus exclusively on seniors - and it is our older people who are most motivated to learn how to use computers. They didn't have the exposure younger people had, but want to use the technology to keep up with family and especially grandchildren.
With decent marketing, a talent for teaching, and patience, you can teach technology to seniors through churches, local adult ed programs, or as commercial classes. It's fun, rewarding, and not all that hard.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Are YOU Following Me? Website ‘tracking’ and what Microsoft is doing to help you.

I was reading some website this morning and that led me to thinking abut that little agreement that we all just have NO other choice but to click YES on when we want to install certain softwares on our computers.  Reading one of the agreements made me want to do reseach on “TRACKING” what does it mean, why, who, and how!  I hope these articles I located will mhelp clear up soem fo those questions for you!

First, lets find out what “TRACKING” means:

Website tracking refers to the act of archiving existing websites and tracking changes to the website over time. There are many applications to website tracking which can be applied to many different business. ...

Then it was off to this web site to learn a little more.  You can read the entire article on there site:


An IP or Internet Protocol address is a unique numerical address assigned to a computer as it logs on to the Internet. The IP address can be mapped back to a specific individual with help from Internet Service Provider (ISP) records. Virtually every website on the World Wide Web (Web) will track and record IP addresses as visitors click through the site’s pages. Two primary reasons for this are security and site improvement.

Every website is hosted on a server. When a visitor clicks his or her way to a website, the user’s browser sends a request to the server for a webpage at the location. The server returns the webpage to the IP address on the request. The page subsequently loads on the visitor’s computer screen.

If the server is bogged down by traffic (handling many requests at once), pages might load slower for visitors. In the case of an overload of simultaneous requests, the server will “crash” or go down, leaving the site temporarily unavailable. This can be a form of attack, called a Denial Of Service (DoS) attack. If the attack comes from a network of infected computers called abotnet, it is referred to a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack.

A malicious hacker might infiltrate a Web server in an attempt to gain information from protected databases that hold customer data such as credit card numbers. So-called “script kiddies” might simply want to malign a site by uploading images or text to the website.

For these reasons and more, websites track and record IP addresses as a matter of course, storing the numerical addresses in server logs. Each request from the IP address is recorded, along with a time stamp. Older data is routinely purged from logs to make room for newer data. The length of time a website holds on to IP logs is variable, configured by the site’s administrator, and dependent upon many factors.

Website policies generally refer to IP addresses as “anonymous” data. However, with the help of computer cookies there are many ways for websites to link identities to IP addresses, even when the address is dynamic, or changes with each Web session. Many websites also contain “Web bugs” or a few pixels linked to an advertising firm that can track and record IP addresses across the Web, from one site to another, surreptitiously compiling detailed surfing profiles of individuals over a period of months or years.

A visitor need not register at a website to be tracked and profiled. Typically all visits to a site are time-stamped and recorded to a cookie, if cookies are enabled in the Web browser. All pages and links visited within the site are commonly added to the cookie (in addition to the sever logs). While server logs are purged, cookies are commonly retained. Deleting a cookie from a user’s computer does not remove the duplicate cookie on the Web server. Upon a subsequent visit to the site, the server might “recognize” the surfer by various system and software data that browsers routinely hand over; even when the surfer is careful to allow temporary cookies only, or no cookies.

Due to these concerns, many savvy netizens prefer to surf anonymously. In this case a proxy server stands between the surfer’s computer and the Web. All browser requests are sent to the proxy which relays them to the Internet. Web servers return pages to the proxy’s IP address, logging its address instead. The proxy receives the page, forwarding it on to the surfer, acting as a go-between. Web servers have no record of the surfer’s IP address, (however, the proxy server will trackand record IP addresses).

If using a proxy service, it is important to know if it is truly anonymous. Some proxy servers forward the requester’s IP address in their headers, defeating the purpose. Only anonymous proxy servers hide this information. Some proxy’s claim to be anonymous but are not, so personal checking through available proxy tools is advisable. Using international proxies can also increase anonymity because the proxy’s logs will not be subject to jurisdiction of the netizen’s home country. That said, proxy services are designed to help maintain freedom and privacy for legal activity, not protect illegal activity.

The Firefox™ browser has an add-on plug-in called FoxyProxy which allows users to keep a list of proxies and easily switch between them to keep records from accumulating on just one proxy server. One can also link proxies, placing two or three proxy servers in a chain, however, this slows surfing. Also, if one of the proxies is down requests get lost. Additionally, there are various shareware programs for proxy surfing.

Web-based anonymous services allow visitors to surf the Web through an onsite interface. Surfing from the site, requested pages appear in a window. The only IP address revealed to the Internet is the website’s own address. But once again, the website itself will track and record IP addresses of those that use its services.


Wow I learned much more than I ever wanted to know!  But it’s all good information!  Simply Seniors Computer Tutors wants to let you know how to safely use the internet. 

Here is a link to Microsoft’s IE9 web site with very helpful anti-tracking software's:



You will want to choose the link above but if you do not and land on their home page – choose the “tracker protection” link under the Brower's Demos column.


I hope you have found this information entertaining and insightful!  If you know someone age 50+ that needs technical help, please consider Simply Seniors Computer Tutors 321-431-3866

Thanks for reading and please share our links with your friends!  Knowledge IS Powerful Stuff!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Laptop Life: Tips to Improve Portable Computing

This information comes to you from AOL.Com, the original author is Deanna Glick.   At Simply Seniors Computer Tutors I am often asked how to make things easier.  This article has some great tips and is worth passing along!

More information on Simply Seniors Computer Tutors at www.ComputerTutorHelp.Us.


People seem to be on the go more than ever before. And they’d never dream of leaving their electronic life behind.

Ah, the lure of laptop computers. A fully-featured computer that weighs a few pounds and can be carried in your briefcase on a business trip or under your arm as you migrate from the home office to your family room. What’s more, along with ever-expanding wireless Internet availability, laptops allow you to surf at the beach without getting in the water or send email from your porch on a nice day.

This might be why the first quarter of last year saw the best sales record for mobile PCs in eight years, according to a blog at CNET.com. This coincided with the onset of intense iPad hype. However, as one analyst pointed out, limitations of that product category in the face of aggressive price cuts of regular notebooks seemed to give the larger notebook computers staying power in the market. They do more than their smaller counterparts, but consumers still seem generally willing to sacrifice the performance of a desktop for portability, making the traditional laptop the proverbial happy medium for most people.

When it comes to laptops, good things might come in small packages. But portability comes at a price.

A Small Space

For all their benefits, laptop computers can certainly fall short when it comes to memory, speed and hard drive space. And special considerations should be given to wireless network security and battery life. Fortunately, there are some great tips and tricks, special services and accessories that can help make laptop users’ lives a lot easier.

Whenever you open a file or an application, data is stored via Random Access Memory. Laptops use a smaller, slower version of RAM than their desktop counterparts. Once that memory is used up, the computer reverts to the hard drive, causing it to operate much more slowly. What this essentially means is that the more RAM you have, the more applications and files can be open simultaneously without affecting performance. Therefore, it can be helpful for laptop users to use as few applications at a time as possible.

How much hard drive space you need depends on how you use your computer. If you find your music, photo and video collections are causing your hard drive to burst at the seams and thus reducing operating speed, additional options for data storage might help. External hard drives and online storage services can go a long way in freeing up space and providing backup protection for your data in the event of a computer crash.

Wireless Worries

While you may have the ability to work on spreadsheets on the sun porch, the portable life isn’t entirely peaceful. Laptop users would do well to pay special attention to issues that affect wireless network security.

Unlike computers that connect via router or Ethernet cable, wireless networks talk to devices using radio waves. According to an article at LaptopLogic.com, these open radio waves leave you susceptible to myriad snooping attacks that could make way for a hacker to access your network and all of your valuable information. This means family pictures, passwords, electronic bank statements, the information contained in your emails and your personal files are all compromised.

LaptopLogic.com suggests some preventive measures to help achieve security while using a wireless connection with a laptop. For example, when you create a wireless password make sure that you use a combination of numbers, letters (upper and lower case), and symbols. You also need to make sure that password is long -- the longer the password is, the more time required to crack it. It is also recommended that you use guest wireless networks rather than readily giving out your passwords to friends visiting your home. A guest network is a common feature found in newer routers, that is essentially a second network which is completely isolated from the network your personal devices use.

Simply Seniors Computer Tutor is here to help those age 50+ with technological needs!  321-431-3866

Monday, February 7, 2011

Desk top Publishing

This Friday, Feb. 8th is the Desktop Publishing class at the Wickham Park Senior Center.  In preparing for this class I have run across many great articles that just need to be shared!  So if you are a fan of desktop publishing with Microsoft Publisher or if it’s all new to you; you’re bound to learn something so read on! 


This article is located at http://www.printingforless.com/Microsoft-Publisher-Design-Tips.html

Professional Printing Results with Microsoft Publisher

I'm going to make the bold statement:

"You can get the same professional printing results using Microsoft Publisher, a program that many people already have on their computer or can obtain for only about $140 as you would get by using the far more expensive Adobe Indesign or Quark XPress."

Microsoft Publisher

And I'm going to tell you exactly how to do it in this article.
All layout/design programs do essentially the same thing; they allow you to position text, photos, clip art and other elements in a document which is generally destined to be printed on some kind of media such as paper. And the secret here is that Publisher is equipped to do all these things just fine. In addition, we've found that it's much faster to learn than the more expensive programs.
Since we began, PrintingForLess.com has been the printer for tens of thousands of small businesses who have chosen to use Publisher to create their marketing pieces. And what we've learned in over 10 years of experience is that if you avoid some very common pitfalls you can create a very effective, professional looking marketing piece for your business. We'll focus on how to overcome these pitfalls while using Publisher.


Before you fire up Publisher and begin to add pictures and text to a layout, consider doing a little planning and idea development first. Brainstorm with your team exactly what change in thought or behavior you desire to create in those who view your piece. What story are you telling? What bold premise are you putting forth? What call to action are you building into your marketing piece? Get clear on these questions and then sketch on paper some possible ideas for how to attain these results before you begin the actual layout.


After you do the above mentioned planning it's time to obtain whatever photographs your piece requires. Two of the largest mistakes that we see with photography are:
  1. Using haphazardly produced or pre-existing photographs simply out of convenience instead of obtaining exactly what your planning process calls for
  2. Poor lighting or low resolution
You can get decent quality photography with only a moderately priced camera of perhaps 4 or more megapixels. If you frame your subjects correctly (hint—get close...), mount the camera on a tripod for maximum sharpness and use some supplementary lighting when indoors, you will probably be happy with the results. With a 4 megapixel image which is uncropped you can stretch it to about 7" wide and still have sufficient resolution to create a sharp, professional look. If you use it at a smaller size than 7" it will be plenty sharp.

It's not important to convert your photographs from RGB to CMYK since Publisher stores them as RGB anyway. At PrintingForLess.com our RGB to CMYK image conversion process is state of the art and will yield the most accurate possible results.

Logos, diagrams, clipart, etc.

Many marketing pieces require a company logo or other types of images which are not photography. The main thing to avoid here is using artwork which was obtained from a website. It will be much too low in resolution and will look fuzzy or blocky on the edges. Use original artwork which is 300 dpi or greater in resolution or even better, is still in a native format which is vector.

common logos for publishing

Please call us about this part of your design process if you have questions. We have highly trained creative and technical people with libraries of such artwork who can help you get what you need inexpensively or perhaps even free of charge.

Create the layout document

Create your layout document in Publisher at the trimmed, finished size of the piece. If the piece is folded use the layout guides tool to create "Grid Guides" to indicate where the folds are and also where the center of each fold panel is. In other words, for a three panel, folded brochure, create six columns. The Grid Guide in the center of each column will make it much faster to accurately center the images, text and other contents of each panel.

publisher layout guides

You can find the Layout Guides tool under the "Arrange" menu item.
When positioning text and images in a column, if you select an object it creates "handles" on the corners and sides of the object which you can use to stretch it. To perfectly center all your layout items select and nudge each object so that the center top and bottom handles line up with the grid guides you created.

publisher image handles

In general, if you use actual measurements, guides and other tools to position your layout items instead of merely "eyeballing" their positioning you will be certain of creating a more professional looking layout. Margin guides can be set to .125" to help you avoid placing text or other important items too close to the edge of the paper.
Feel free to use one of Publishers premade wizard templates if you have a hard time getting your ideas to flow into a blank sheet of paper. When using these templates you will simply substitute your text and graphics for what is in the template.

Color Selection

Printing with ink is about color—and everyone has fun picking the colors for their text, panels and other design elements. Two very common mistakes are:
  1. Selecting colors directly from the color picker within Publisher based only on how the color looks on screen
  2. Picking colors using the RGB color space
The problem is that the color you see on screen is glowing light while ink on paper is very different. And RGB is a color space based on light, not ink. Selecting colors this way often causes disappointment when the printed color does not resemble what your eye and brain thought it saw on screen.
The answer is to pick your color formulas from an ink and paper color guide. If you do this the colors in your printed piece will be just what you expected. Two very good sources of ink and paper color guides are:
  1. Pantone CMYK color swatch books
  2. Free PrintingForLess.com design guide we enclose in every pack of printed samples sent to anyone who requests one

Pantone color guides

After you have selected your layout colors from one of these color guides set up the cyan, magenta, yellow and black values in the color selector in Publisher, be sure the Color Model is set to CMYK as indicated below:

publisher color selector

Fonts, Fonts, Fonts

A common mistake is to use too many different fonts within a layout. It's fun to pick fonts that call attention to and uniquely highlight each section of your layout. But to most viewers, using too many fonts will look busy, tedious or just plain goofy. Instead, choose a single font family (includes a plain, bold, italic, etc.) which is somewhat conventional and easy on the eye for most of the informational text in your layout. So called "serif" fonts such as Times New Roman, Bodoni and Garamond have proven to be easiest for the eye to read in paragraph text. And if your layout can benefit from some playfulness by all means select and use a different, unique-looking font for a headline or other attention-grabbing section.
You'll find that as you begin to put text into text frames in Publisher the program remembers your "palette" of selected fonts and conveniently positions your selected fonts at the top of the font selection dropdown. This makes it easier for you to quickly select from your "chosen palette" of fonts as you build your layout.


Grouping Elements

After you have a section of your layout positioned very precisely, it might be a good idea to select all the items (hold down the shift key and click on each one) and then group them together by pressing the "group objects" icon located directly below the objects you've selected. This will lock them together in their relative positions. This is especially useful if you will need to duplicate this configuration somewhere else in your layout; copy and paste the group to another page and you will have perfect consistency throughout your layout.

grouping objects in Publisher

Use Master Pages for Common Backgrounds

If your design calls for a consistent background color, company logo in the corner of each page or some other consistent design element on every page, don't waste your time doing it manually. Open the Master Page (View...Master Page) and carefully place the repeating elements here. Uncheck Master Page and you'll be back in normal (foreground) view—except the contents of the Master Page will now be in the background of every page in your layout. This is a great tool when you are creating many identical business cards for people in your company. Create a multi-page document and put the logo and other common elements on the Master Page. Each employee's contact info is the only data on the foreground layer of each page which is much easier to manage.

Spell Check

There is a good chance that the spell checker is already on and making spelling suggestions as you type in Publisher. But it would be a good idea to manually run the spell checker (Tools...Spelling) so that you can consciously review any remaining spelling/grammar issues before sending your layout to a commercial printer.

Print a Hard Copy

Print several copies of your finished layout on a desktop printer and read one as though you are seeing it for the first time. Get a couple of your detail-conscious friends to proofread and review the layout. You'll be surprised at how you might perceive the layout on paper vs. on-screen and you'll probably find some mistakes that you were unaware of when viewing on-screen.
You've probably noticed that some of these suggestions aren't specific to using Microsoft Publisher—and you're right. The majority of regrettable and less than professional issues we see with layouts created by those who are not design professionals; and not the fault of the software they used. It's simply the lack of a checklist-something that airline pilots use every flight. If you use this short guide as a checklist each time you create your own designs, you'll consistently gain superior results and feel proud of your work.

-----------------again thank you to www.printforless.com for the above article----------------------------


Simply Seniors Computer Tutor will be teaching Microsoft Desktop Publisher Friday Feb. 8. 2011.  For more information dial 321-431-3866.  Class is only $10 registration is required!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Google Earth & Google Mars

If you have not already tried this out – you really shoudl give it an install.  It has improved over the years as well.  The other day a friend of mine was showing me his mother’s house on Google Earth.  We were amazed by the clarity of the pictures and then as we were in awe of the technology, there he found her!  His mother!  She was walking out to check the mail when the satellite took the photo!  A little scary to know that someone is taking a photo of you and your person from space!  So, like I said give it a whirl install the programs by going here:


and  try Google Mars for something different!



Today’s blog is brought to you by Simply Seniors Computer Tutors Call today to join a class near YOU!  OR in home instructions!

Simply Seniors Computer Tutor is here to help those age 50 and over with their growing technological needs!  From your home computer purchase and setup, to setting up home entertainment equipment Simply Seniors Computer Tutors does it ALL!



Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our February Class Schedule

These classes are being held at the Wickham Park Senior Center, Melbourne, FL. To have classes held in your area call 863-949-0667

wpsc feb 2011 classes photo

Click on the picture for a larger image

Speech Recognition in Windows 7

I bet you think you need to buy fancy software and equipment to access speech recognition software.  Not True if you have Windows 7.  Check out this great “How To” from one of my favorite ‘How To” web sites:


Using Windows 7 Speech Recognition

Ever get the desire to control your computer, Star Trek-style? With Windows 7’s Speech Recognition, it’s easier than you might think.

Microsoft has been working on its voice command steadily over the years. XP introduced it, Vista smoothed it, and 7 has it polished. It’s strangely not advertised as a feature, even though other voice command and speech recognition programs are hundreds of dollars. It may not be as perfect as some of them, but there’s definitely something amazing about vocally telling your computer to do things and it actually working.

It’s simple to enable, easy to configure and use, and just plain fun. Watch our video below to see how to enable it and to see a demo of what it can do.

I do not like talking out loud but this sure is handy!

Simply Seniors Computer Tutor will be offering classes on how to set your computer speech recognition software.  Get a copy of the common commands.

Simply Seniors Computer Tutor is on Face Book – Join the talk!!!

From Microsoft.com

What can I do with Speech Recognition?

You can use your voice to control your computer. You can say commands that the computer will respond to, and you can dictate text to the computer.

Before you get started using Windows Speech Recognition, you'll need to connect a microphone to your computer. Once you've got the microphone set up, you can train your computer to better understand you by creating a voice profile that your computer uses to recognize your voice and spoken commands. For information about setting up your microphone, see Set up your microphone for Speech Recognition.

After you've got your microphone and voice profile set up, you can use Speech Recognition to do the following:

  • Control your computer. Speech Recognition listens and responds to your spoken commands. You can use Speech Recognition to run programs and interact with Windows. For more information about the commands you can use with Speech Recognition, see Common commands in Speech Recognition.

  • Dictate and edit text. You can use Speech Recognition to dictate words into word-processing programs or to fill out online forms in a web browser. You can also use Speech Recognition to edit text on your computer. For more information about dictating text, see Dictate text using Speech Recognition.


This is Stacey from Simply Seniors Computer Tutor!  Let US HELP Mom & Dad with their computer needs!

www.ComputerTutor Help.Us


Help seniors meet technology!