This looks like any other web site - AOL, yahoo maybe but it is not. It is a link you may arrive at when reading stuff out of Facebook.
I love facebook! Let's face it - I think a lot of us do. I can keep in touch with my current freidns and found a ton of friends I haven't seen since 3rd grade! I enjoy being able to put my pics up and share them easily with friends - sure beats emailing all those pics and trying to remember all the people i wanted to send them to. Well, after yesterday's information about viruses a client emailed and asked about the facebook virus - so here is what I have learned and would like to pass along to you.
REMEMBER: Beaware of your surroundings in the computer world. You nver know when a sneeky bug is going to get you! You best protection is a good offense - have your data backed up *ASK* about Simply Back up! by Simply Seniors Computer Tutor http://www.sscomputertutor.com/
If your data is backed up and you run into one of these bugs - we can always fix the situation and get you running again quickly. If the data is not backed up it may not be so easy and your beloved photos and music files may become victims of the viruses - gone forever.
This information is from: Kurt Tavosh:
Avoid News44.org links at all cost whether on Facebook or Twitter! I was just informed about a dangerous virus attack on Facebook and also in tweets on Twitter using the word News44.org and asking you to check the link. For the time I do not have much information about how this Facebook Virus (trap) is working but avoid at all cost. From some very brief details I was able to get from some friends, this News44.org can be both a phishing trap as well as contain malicious codes! So even if you are extremely curious, do avoid this for now. Share this message with your friends so that they do not fall in this trap.
I’ll try to gather more information about how this site is functioning and update as soon as possible. Facebook and Twitter has already been informed about this and tweets containing this word should be eliminated soon. If you have already been infected or think to have been, then clear your cache and cookies. Restart your PC and make a full scan of your system.
Update 1: How News44.org Works
Facebook spam messages and tweets containing message asking users to visit the said site start the whole game. Eg message: “Did you see this in the news?” – And other similar unauthorized messaged supposedly from your friends.
Once you click on this link you are redirected to another site called bonuscashh.com – This site is a fake news website promoting scam and phishing make money online services along with malicious set file included in the link on the page. The link to avoid at all cost is: http://bonuscashh.com/mrx.exe as stated by Norton today.
The website even fakes the copyright data at the bottom. It automatically guess your location and put a copyright notice based on the location from where you are browsing at, to make things appear more genuine.
Stacey's personal warning to you - becareful with what you click on and accept to look is one thing to click on things and accept them is another. While doing research on this I was presented many times with "your computer needs and antivirus program' click here! I knew better but it sure was convincing to smost users.
Please use an anti maleware program like Malwarebytes (found at http://www.malwarebytes.org/) to keep your machine clean after surfing the web.
Be ware, know it is there and use common sense. Happy Computing!
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