Learn something new! The Computer Tutor is now offering the eBooks used in their best selling computer classes! Learn about your favorite computer topics including:
- Windows 7 – Intro to the OS
- Windows Vista - Intro to the OS
- XP – Intro to the OS
and topics such as:
- Digital Cameras and your Computer
- Maintaining Your Computer
- Microsoft Office 2007 software including
- Word 2007
- Excel 2007
Additionally, we have some older material that is very helpful to XP users – just drop us a line and we can send these title for FREE via PDF:
- Maintaining Your Pc 2008
- Best of the web Freebies 2009
- You’ve got email! Basic email intro 2008
- What can I do with a computer? 2006
- Word 2003
- Word 2003 2
- Excel 2003
New books coming soon… Skype – learn to communicate with your friends and family using a very popular FREE voice over internet software.
All eBooks are $9.99 Each and payments can be made through PayPal, or personal check via snail mail. EBooks are emailed to your email address so be sure to include this with your personal check request.
The Computer Tutor specializes in working with senior citizens. With that in mind each booklet is written in a large typeface. Instructions include screen shots or pictures to help explain more complicated tasks.
Email: ComputerTutor321@gmail.com with the subject Ebook – be sure to include the name of the book you would like along with your payment method.
Looking for a special topic? Please drop us a line with your suggestions!
Simply Seniors Computer Tutor (321)431-3866